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Official - Belongs to All Keio Student Council

Institute of International Relations

Japanese Name:


The International Relations Association (I.I.R.) is the oldest and largest international organization at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. Established in 1956, it is a welfare organization that serves as a platform for international exchange and cooperation among students. With its two key principles - cultivating globally competent individuals and internationalizing Keio University - I.I.R. provides a range of programs and opportunities that aim to foster mutual understanding and friendship between people from different cultures. Through its various initiatives, I.I.R. strives to empower its members to become global citizens and leaders in the international community.

Orientation Schedule

April 2
12:15 - 13:45
Fourth Building Section B J24
April 3
12:15 - 13:45
Fourth Building Section B J24
April 4
12:15 - 13:45
Fourth Building Section B J24


Activity Information

Activity Days

Overall planning at least once a week + Irregular activities for each project

Activity Locations

(Hiyoshi campus classrooms, club rooms, etc.)

Activity Base


Yearly Schedule

​Spring (Apr. - Jun.)

New training camp, recruitment of members for each project

Summer (Jul. - Sep.)

International exchange and BBQ for each project

Autum (Oct. - Dec.)

Participating in Mita Festival, recruiting members for each project

Winter (Jan. - Mar.)

International exchange, snowy mountain training camp, follow-up competition for each project

Busy Period

It depends on the project you belong to.

*Many other international exchange events are scheduled to be held.

About Members

Number of Members

292 people

Number of Members by Years

2nd year: 170 people
3rd year: 78 people
4th year: 44 people

Number of Members by Campuses

Hiyoshi / Mita / Yagami:276 people
SFC:13 people
Shinanomachi:2 people
Shiba Kyoritsu:1 people

Gender Ratio

Male:Female = 50:50

Ratio of Joining Multiple Clubs



Admission Cost


Yearly Cost

(Collected every year)

Instrumental Cost


Training Camp Cost


Information of Admission

Admission Limit

Spring Orientationr: March to May, Autumn Orientation: September to October

Admission Condition


Accept Non-newcomers


How to Join

After joining the Shinkan LINE group, attend the membership briefing session. Fill out the membership form sent to you and pay the membership fee.

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