Activity Information
Activity Days
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thr / Fri / Other
About 3 Suns a week
Activity Locations
(Kohoku Sports Center, Central Gymnasium, etc.)
Activity Base
Yearly Schedule
Spring (Apr. - Jun.)
New welcome BBQ, tournament, watching Waseda-Keio game
Summer (Jul. - Sep.)
Summer camp, synchronous BBQ
Autum (Oct. - Dec.)
Mita Festival, tournament
Winter (Jan. - Mar.)
Spring training camp, tournament
Busy Period
Fixed yearly
*Various events are planned for each season!
About Members
Number of Members
320 people
Number of Members by Years
2nd year: 200 people
3rd year: 100 people
4th year: 20 people
Number of Members by Campuses
Hiyoshi / Mita / Yagami:300 people
SFC:10 people
Shinanomachi:5 people
Shiba Kyoritsu:5 people
Gender Ratio
Male:Female = 60:40
Ratio of Joining Multiple Clubs
Admission Cost
Yearly Cost
(Collected every year)
Instrumental Cost
Training Camp Cost
① ¥30,000
② ¥30,000
Information of Admission
Admission Limit
Until the end of May (autumn enrollment will also be accepted)
Admission Condition
Accept Non-newcomers
How to Join
New Kan LINE addition and payment of membership fee