Hello everyone! This is the Pony Tennis Club! Pony Tennis Club is a club where students from different grades get along with each other in a home-like atmosphere and put all their energy into both events and tennis. In addition to regular practice, you can meet new friends through a variety of fun events! Some of our players are so good at tennis that we won second place in the intramural team competition last year! Let's play or cheer together and take back the championship title! Why don't you join us and enjoy a fulfilling pony life together!
Activity Information
Activity Days
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thr / Fri / Other
In addition to MonWedFri, TueThr is every other week. In addition, events will also be held.
Activity Locations
Sarue, Mitsuzawa, Tamagawa
(Sarue Park, Mitsuzawa Park, Tama Ryokuchi)
Activity Base
Yearly Schedule
Spring (Apr. - Jun.)
New welcome bowling tournament, general meeting, new welcome training camp, alumni reunion, beach volleyball, new welcome match
Summer (Jul. - Sep.)
Summer camp, BBQ, club competition
Autum (Oct. - Dec.)
Walks (divided into groups and sightseeing while solving missions!), In-school tournaments, alumni reunions, general meetings
Winter (Jan. - Mar.)
Ski project, spring training camp, chase competition, 3 team project
Busy Period
Each person can decide their own level of commitment, so there is no particular busy period! In addition to regular practice, we also hold regular events so that everyone can have fun when they want to participate!
About Members
Number of Members
110 people
Number of Members by Years
2nd year: 70 people
3rd year: 20 people
4th year: 20 people
Number of Members by Campuses
Hiyoshi / Mita / Yagami:110 people
Shinanomachi:1 people
Gender Ratio
Male:Female = 55:45
Ratio of Joining Multiple Clubs
Admission Cost
Yearly Cost
(Collected every year)
Instrumental Cost
Training Camp Cost
① ¥42,000
② ¥32,000
Information of Admission
Admission Limit
According to the membership deadline of the Tennis Club Federation
Admission Condition
Accept Non-newcomers
How to Join
Google Form