Hello, we are PLURIO! We do international interactions with the motto of “just have fun”. We are hoping every single students to just relax and become use to the university life by making friends within this circle and asking for help when needed. This circle is not much of a hard-working style more of doing a lot of events throughout the year and building connections. We want to make this circle as fun as possible, so if you are interested at all, please come and talk to us!
Activity Information
Activity Days
Activity Locations
Activity Base
Hiyoshi Communication Lounge
Yearly Schedule
Spring (Apr. - Jun.)
Welcome party, social gathering, first term general meeting
Summer (Jul. - Sep.)
Summer camp, cool breeze boat
Autum (Oct. - Dec.)
Mita Festival, Halloween Party, Christmas Party
Winter (Jan. - Mar.)
Second term general meeting, winter training camp
Busy Period
Fixed yearly
About Members
Number of Members
223 people
Number of Members by Years
2nd year: 107 people
3rd year: 116 people
Number of Members by Campuses
Hiyoshi / Mita / Yagami:212 people
SFC:6 people
Shinanomachi:2 people
Shiba Kyoritsu:3 people
Gender Ratio
Male:Female = 89:11
Ratio of Joining Multiple Clubs
Admission Cost
Yearly Cost
Instrumental Cost
Training Camp Cost
Information of Admission
Admission Limit
Admission Condition
Accept Non-newcomers
How to Join
Add official LINE → Contact New Kan staff