In Keio University Wrestling Team, even those who are new to the sport are able to compete in the national tournament. In the previous year, two of our athletes have won the 1st place and one who won the 2nd place in the East Japan Championship. We even have members who compete in the global stage. Last year, Ozaki Nonoka has won the World Championship. As we train in short but intense manner, members have considerable amount of time outside of the training to plan for themselves. There are many of us who participate in internships and part-time jobs. We have our own wrestling dojo that consists of gym and shower. It is open for members to use outside of the training time. Also, the Keio University Wrestling Team is recruiting managers as well. We currently have three manager who supports the training and responsible for jobs such as the reporting of account balance and organization of interview with TV stations. We are more than welcome for you to tryout for wrestling! Please contact us if you are interested!
Activity Information
Activity Days
Mon / Wed / Thr / Sat / Sun
Activity Locations
(Hiyoshi Mubutani Wrestling Dojo)
Activity Base
Yearly Schedule
Spring (Apr. - Jun.)
New Kan, East Japan League Match, East Japan Student Championship (Spring)
Summer (Jul. - Sep.)
Intercollegiate, six university games
Autum (Oct. - Dec.)
Waseda-Keio Match, Wrestling Festival, Prime Minister's Cup, East Japan Student Championship (Winter)
Winter (Jan. - Mar.)
Tateyama training camp
Busy Period
Around November
About Members
Number of Members
16 people
Number of Members by Years
2nd year: 7 people
3rd year: 4 people
4th year: 5 people
Number of Members by Campuses
Hiyoshi / Mita / Yagami:12 people
SFC:4 people
Gender Ratio
Male:Female = 69:31
Ratio of Joining Multiple Clubs
Admission Cost
Yearly Cost
Instrumental Cost
Training Camp Cost
Information of Admission
Admission Limit
Admission Condition
Accept Non-newcomers
How to Join
Contact Instagram, X, etc.